our mission

Create a more human sales process

Our Vision

Spend 80% of your time on the 20% that matters most.

Sales should be a personalized and collaborative process. Unfortunately, presales teams are often drowning in administrative work that prevents from giving their prospects the best experience. Whether its shortcuts during qualification, copy-pasted emails, or a lack of proactive outreach - busy work makes buyers AND sellers less happy.

We're leveraging our expertise in AI to ensure that every software buyer gets enterprise-level consultation and attention. We do this by outsourcing busy work to AI, thereby allowing humans to focus on strategy, outreach, consultation, and other high-value (and fun!) activities. This is what all sales people love to do anyways, and buyers are the biggest beneficiary.


DealPage was founded by Ani Gottiparthy and Andrew Luo. Before building DealPage, they built one of the first LLM chatbot building platforms - Baseplate.

DealPage is backed by Y Combinator, Samsung Next, Pioneer Fund, and other major investors.

Ready to Get Started?

See for yourself how DealPage's AI platform helps pre-sales teams work and collaborate more efficiently.

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Saving 6-8 hours per week

"DealPage has been a magical experience for our team. It only took a few minutes to set up, but saves me 6-8 hours per week of time filling out security questionnaires and responding to RFPs. This has unblocked our deals and contract renewals."

Jacob Simon

CTO, Co-Founder